Friday, 2 October 2015

NS3 Installation

Steps For NS3 Installation In Fedora 20:

1) Yum update

2)Update libraries

yum install gcc gcc-c++ python python-devel mercurial bzr gsl gsl-devel gtk2 gtk2-devel gdb valgrind doxygen graphviz ImageMagick python-sphinx dia texlive texlive-latex flex bison sqlite sqlite-devel libxml2 libxml2-devel uncrustify openmpi-devel gnuplot

yum install graphviz graphviz-devel python-setuptools-devel python-kiwi pygoocanvas pygraphviz

copy it in one sh file and rn that sh file. Eg

3)Download tar file of latest NS3 release from and unzip it.

4) cd ns-allinone-3.23 and run command

                ./ --enable-examples --enable-test .

5)cd ns-3.23 and run command


6) for running simple program copy program into scratch folder

              eg.  cp exaples/tutorials/ scratch/

(do not edit or run program in examples/tutorials directory, copy it and then run it )

7) for running c program(.cc) program , run commad

              ./waf --run filename.

               For eg ./waf --run sample

8) for running python program , run command 

               ./waf --pyrun
9)for running animation
               cd netanim

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